January 2020

Dear NHM Family,

In Acts 6:1-7, the church leaders were presented with a need.  The response to that need resulted in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  In those days, the widows were being overlooked.  In these days, there is still the tendency to overlook and even shy away from the responsibility of caring for the widows and elderly, particularly those confined to long term care centers.  Unfortunately, some churches may even consider these folks a burden because they consume resources, time and energy while appearing to give little, if anything, in return.

The truth is, we who “younger” and stronger need those who are older and fragile every bit as much as they need us.  The best way, I believe, for us to understand this is to faithfully visit an adult care center.  The residents there soon become an important part of our lives.  Indeed, God has used the relationships we have established to teach us more about the true meaning of Christ-like love.  In knowing, serving, and loving people in need, we also come to know, serve, and love our Lord Jesus more intimately.

It’s not uncommon for an NHM chaplain to hear questions and comments like, “Does God really care about me?”  “God must be punishing me!”
“I wish that God would take me home now.”  “I never thought I’d end up like this.”  “Where is my family now?”  My pastor seldom visits me”  “I used to go to church but can’t anymore.”  These needs and concerns are often accompanied by fear disappointment, and hopelessness.

Though nothing can be done to stop the aging process itself, much can be done to strengthen and restore the soul of even the most physically and mentally challenged person.  That’s why the work of the men and women of NHM – chaplains, prayer warriors, financial supporters – is so vital.  Together we are making a difference for Christ in thousands of lives each year.  “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”  (2 Corinthians 4:16).

For those on “the edge of eternity”,


John Schneider (Executive Director, NHM)